Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we could ever dare to ask or hope.  May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages.  Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21 (NLT)


Prayer Focus: This prayer guide has been devoted to challenging you to think and pray beyond your normal expectations.  It has been a call to go beyond imagining true revival and transformation, to actually believing that God wants to bring it about in our own lives – spilling over into your churches and communities.  And because God is able to do mighty works beyond what we would ever dare to ask or hope – we have an invitation to hope for more than we have ever thought possible.  What would you like God to do?  What seems impossible to you right now?  If we meet His conditions for answered prayer, He promises to accomplish infinitely more – for His glory.  Dare to ask; dare to hope.  Dare to believe!



  • Worship God for His mighty power at work in you.
  • Pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Join our 6:00pm Thursday night prayer team (in prayer if not in person).         



  • Give glory to God for all that He has done in your life.
  • Pray for the Good News families of the week: Katelyn DeRoller, Jim & Carol DeYaeger (Stephanie), Frank & Anna Diehl
  • Other requests: Chile – Jose & Priscilla (Giselda, Beatriz), India – Rev. P Johnpaul & Sudha (Carys, Joshua John, Cheryl, Glory) and (orphans, widows, lepers) 



  • Confess the ways that you have underestimated God and His power to work in and through you.



  • Ask God to give you the hope to believe for revival.
  • Join in with our Sunday prayer services to pray for God’s presence and blessing.



  • Pray that others will see God at work in you.
  • Attend “In Touch” Prayer meeting at GNCC at 10:30am or join in prayer at that time.



  • Pray that our church will devote itself to seeking God for things beyond imagination.



  • Pray that transformation will be a reality in our city.


Transformation Challenge: “It is not enough to simply wish for change, or to hope that God will include our community on His revival itinerary.  If spiritual transformation is to become a reality in our lives and in our neighborhoods, then, hope must give way to faith and commitment” (George Otis, Jr. The Quickening).  Are you willing to make a commitment to prayer with the expectation that God will bring revival and transformation to your community?



Transformation Story: The Invitation

From Transformation Prayer Guide


The Church in the United States received a dramatic wake-up call on September 11, 2001.  Christians across the nation were suddenly jarred into the realization that a new world war on terrorism had begun.  In a mement of disbelief and desperation, the Church turned to greater levels of prayer and crying out to God. 


But unfortunately, research seems to indicate that the wake-up call lasted about 60 days, and then the Church in America returned to business as usual.  In the twin cities of Minneapolis and St.Paul, Minnesota, the Church of the Twin Cities responded immediately to a call to prayer right after September 11.  Five days later, 24,000 people gathered at the Metrodome Sports Facility to pray and cry out to God.


Assuming that the Church had been awakened with such an outpouring of prayer, leaders in the Twin Cities moved ahead in planning another citywide gathering the following May 2002.  Because 24,000 people showed up at a moment’s notice in September, they felt confident of greatly increasing those numbers just eight months later.


But as the May even (called “Invitation”) approached, it became obvious there would not be nearly the same numbers.  Nevertheless, 7,000 people cam to fervently pray and invite God’s presence into their cities and communities.  They represented a remnant that was eager to see God bring revival and transformation.


God blessed “The Invitation” with a special gift as a token of His pleasure.  An intercessor felt led of God to give a very sacrificial offering of great personal value.  Without any expectations, she and her husband gave her engagement ring to the Church of the Twin Cities.  It was a beautiful ring with several diamonds – a family heirloom that had been passed down through generations for 75 years.


As the gift was received on behalf of the city, God revealed more of the significance of it.  In historic Jewish marriage customs, when a man and woman became engaged to be married, the ring represented a promise that the bridegroom would return to take his bride in marriage.  During the waiting time, the bridegroom prepared their new home, and the bride prepared herself for the marriage ceremony.  The bride did not know when the bridegroom would return for her, but she faithfully prepared for the long-awaited day.


The engagement ring, blessed of the Lord, was a token of His intent to receive “The Invitation” to come at the appointed time!



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