Thank you for your desire to participate and help make a great basketball camp this year!
Due to the nature of the sport of basketball and the operations of the program, we are trying to maintain a normal experience for campers. However, we are concerned for the health and safety of everyone involved.
- We are blessed to have a beautiful outdoor court which allows us to stay in fresh air and sanitizing sunshine as much as possible.
- In consideration of the health of others, we expect anyone who is experiencing symptoms or illness to stay home. Refunds for missed participation can be available upon request.
- Campers and staff will be expected to wash hands before and after snack times.
- Campers are expected to drink from their own personal water bottles from home. Bottled water can be made available as needed.
- Anyone who desires to wear a face covering will be welcome to do so.
- Staff and campers may receive temperature screening.
We pray for the Lord’s blessing and protection of the health and safety of our participants, their families, and the community around us.
If anyone has further concerns or conscientious objections, we respect your individual right to abstain from participation, and refunds can be available upon request or credited to registration for next year.
Thank you for your support of Good News Basketball Camp.
Pete George
Camp Director